Do you know How the big technology companies started their journeys?

Netflix started with DVD’s.

Youtube started as a dating site.

Amazon started as a bookstore.

Instagram started as a whiskey app.

Samsung started as a grocery business.

Shopify started as a snowboard company.

Harley-Davidson: Started with bicycles.

LEGO: Began with wooden toys.

Starbucks: Sold roasted coffee beans.

Nokia: Started as a pulp and paper mill.

Shell started by selling decorative seashells.

Western Union started with telegrams.

Forget the pressure of having it all figured out from the beginning. You don’t need a grand plan, massive resources, or all the answers to start. Sometimes, the most successful people are the ones who simply take the first step. The world is constantly evolving, so focus on getting started and adapting as you go. It’s the act of taking action that matters most.

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